GMC 의료보험 HealthFlex안내 (영문)
GMC 의료보험은 전임목회자나 평신도 사역자 모두 대상이 될 수 있으며, Wespath의 HealthFlex 플랜이다. The Global Methodist Church provides health insurance for eligible clergy and lay employees of local Global Methodist congregations in the United States through “HealthFlex.” Health insurance will also be available to approved extension ministries of the GM Church where the ministries elect to participate. HealthFlex is administered for the GM Church by Wespath. Coverage will begin on January 1, 2023.
6가지 의료보험 플랜과 3가지 치과, 안과 플랜중에서 선택, 블루크로스 PPO 네트워크 사용. Participants can choose from six medical plans, which are outlined here. In addition, there are three dental plans and three vision plans available. HealthFlex utilizes the nation-wide PPO network of Blue Cross/Blue Shield, their widest network.
의료보험 의무가입 조건 – 전임 목회자의 경우, 의료보험 의무가입. – 75% 이하의 경우 의료보험은 선택사항 – 은퇴/ 타 직장, 배우자, 예비역 군인, 메디케어 의료보험이 있는 경우 의무사항 관련 – 별도 서류작성 Participation is mandatory for full-time clergy with four exceptions: 1. Clergy who are bi-vocational or retired from another profession who have coverage through a current employer (not the church they are serving) or a previous employer (e.g., a teacher or Federal employee.) 2. Coverage through the spouse’s employer; 3. Coverage through military insurance (like TriCare); or 4. Coverage through Medicare or Medicaid. If the exception is granted, the church pays no health insurance assessment to the GM Church. A pastor who wishes to claim one of the exemptions must do so by completing this form. Please observe these instructions.
Coverage is optional for pastors appointed ¾ time and for lay employees who work at least 30 hours per week, however 75% of eligible lay employees at a ministry site must participate. Wespath has an informative online tool to help participants choose plans that are appropriate for their needs, available at: Get help choosing your benefits.
Eligible participants who are new to the Global Methodist’s HealthFlex health insurance plan will enroll by filling out the enrollment form according to the instructions.
2023년 의료보험 비용 – 목회자 개인 $ 841, 부부 $ 1597, 가족 $ 2185 – 매월 부담 – 목회자와 교회 부담비용이 다른 6가지 플랜중에는 목회자 부담이 없는 저렴한 플랜도 있다. Each local church/charge or approved extension ministry – wherever located – whose clergy or lay employees participate in HealthFlex will pay the same assessment depending on the coverage selected by each participant: Individual coverage is $841; Participant + 1 dependent is $1597; Family coverage is $2185. These are monthly rates. The rate the participant pays will depend on the plan that she or he chooses. Naturally, the more coverage purchased, the higher the cost. There is one plan that requires no contribution from the pastor. The rates can be seen here. Direct questions to the GM Church’s Transitional Benefits Officer, Rick Van Giesen, at